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About Us

Hello and welcome to our store!

We are the Woolley family, currently living in Maui, Hawaii USA, and we own and operate

Paul (the Dad), Wendy (the Mom), Logan (4), Lucas (1)

That picture above is us having a blast in the rare snow day that happened in our former Las Vegas, Nevada neighborhood in early 2019. It was the largest snow fall in Las Vegas in the past 20 or 30 years or so. The boys fell asleep to some light snow fall and they woke up to 6-8 inches of fluffy white powder blanketing our entire house, yard, and neighborhood. We had a blast!

Why EducoFamily? What does it mean exactly?

Educo verb (Latin)

ed·u·co | [ej-oo-koh]
1. to draw out, lead out, march out, from within
We call it Educo Family because we strive for our gifts to help you draw out the most meaningful and memorable experiences with your family. We believe that every child has an infinite source of creativity within themselves… and our jobs as parents, teachers, influencers of our little ones is to support them in drawing out, growing, that creativity from within themselves. And we (Paul & Wendy) believe that the best way that we can support our children to grow is to grow ourselves in to the best version of ourselves that we can possibly reach.

Our Vision

A world of happy people that believe in themselves!

Our Mission

To help families by providing funny, heartwarming, and meaningful gifts of love for themselves as well as the people they love the most. The gifts of love that we provide elicit positive emotions that allow our clients as well as the recipients of our gifts to laugh, cry, and create positive memories that they’ll cherish until they die.
Our store/website here is pretty new and we intend to add a lot more info here, we promise!


But in the mean time, if you're reading this and want to be the first to know anything about us including what's happening behind the scenes, new products and services we're launching, as well as BIG projects that we have on the horizon, feel free to subscribe to our email list by ordering one of our products and/or entering your email in the newsletter subscribe box below.
We appreciate you,

Paul, Wendy, Logan, Lucas